For the producing brokerage

Side empowers recruitment, retention, and revenue!

We partner with Side, who adopted Revive across all business functions to influence growth & optimize their bottom line.

In order to qualify, they need:
a signed referral agreement
1 transaction
Revive Edge benefits:
$1M in increased commissions
Revive referred 46 listings in 2021
Revive transacted on 106 listings in 2021

Show new recruits why your brokerage has the best solutions.


Nurture your current roster with new content & tools to grow their business.


On average, homes increase by 22% so does your comission.


Access to Revive Edge, an exclusive network of agents who get referrals from us.

It's all about your agents

By providing your agents with innovative tools in the space, you're able to influence the experience that customers have with your brand. The value of the agent has changed. It's more important than ever that agents and brokerages think about how they bring value to the transaction.

Ultimately, creating stickiness, and an unforgettable experience.